The Paris Climate Accord:  A Progress Assessment–

Dr. Tanja Rebotnjak

Speaker: Dr. Tanja Srebotnjak, Director of Hixon Center and Associate Professor, Harvey Mudd College

Two years after the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, the world has seen several major political developments. This talk will look at the original commitments made by countries vis-à-vis the greenhouse gas reductions needed to keep global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, discuss the ramifications of the United States’ withdrawal from the accord, and look at climate change action in light of some of the broader political trends. Tanja Srebotnjak is an associate professor at Harvey Mudd College and the inaugural director of the Hixon Center for Sustainable Environmental Design. She holds the first college-wide position in sustainable environmental design and focuses her efforts on integrating sustainability more visibly into the curriculum, advance sustainability research, and connect the center’s work with the broader community. She earned a PhD in environmental statistics and policy from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and masters degrees in statistics from the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany and the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She has worked previously for the United Nations Statistics Division, the German environmental think tank Ecologic Institute, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Introduction: Tom Helliwell
Fellowship: Gene Smith
Greeters: Milt Wilson, Peter Boniface