A Day in the Life of the Pomona College Museum of Art  –

Speaker: Steve Comba, Associate Director, Pomona College Museum of Art

Just what exactly is a “teaching museum?” What should you know about the Pomona College Museum of Art? Join Steve Comba as he sheds light on the mysterious world of the academic museum: exhibitions, collections, and programs. Steve will also share the details of how the new building will enhance the experience, and give an update on its design and construction. Steve is the Associate Director/Registrar for the Pomona College Museum of Art. He received his MFA in painting at the Claremont Graduate University and his BA in Studio Art from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His primary responsibility is looking after the care and access of the permanent collection. He has, however, curated/organized numerous exhibitions both for PCMA as well as the dA Center for the Arts in Pomona and the Claremont Museum of Art. He is also an artist himself, with a studio in Claremont.

Introduction: Anne Sonner
Fellowship: Ed Ansell
Greeters: Pat Kelly, Art Parker