Campaign Contributions and Wedding Cakes: Understanding the Dramatic Consequences of the Supreme Court’s Free Speech Decisions –

Speaker: Dr. Amanda Hollis-Brusky, Assistant Professor of Politics, Pomona College

From our earliest years as a country, politics and media in America have been conditioned by Supreme Court decisions. Our program will discuss impacts of the free-speech decisions by the Court. Professor Amanda Hollis-Brusky teaches courses on American politics, constitutional law and theory, and legal institutions at Pomona College. She earned a BA from Boston University, and MA and PhD degrees in political science from UC Berkeley. In 2014, she was one of eight recipients of the Wig Distinguished Teaching Award. Her research focuses on the dynamics of constitutional change and the role “support structures” play in that process. Her first book was Ideas with Consequences: The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution. She has written and spoken about the Supreme Court in various media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, Life of The Law, The Washington Post, Newsweek, AirTalk with Larry Mantel, and California Edition with Brad Pomerance.
Introduction: Ivan Light
Fellowship: Ray Bragg
Greeters: Pat Kelly, Art Parker