“My Claremont History and First Months as a Claremont City Council Member”

Jennifer Stark

Jennifer Stark

Speaker – Jennifer Stark, Claremont City Council Member –

Raised in Claremont, University Club member Jennifer Stark is inspired by family and friends whose decades of community service have helped define Claremont’s unique character. Jennifer is a new member of the Claremont City Council.
 She is a community activist and volunteer, involved in many programs that contribute to the environment, well-being, education and enrichment of our community. She also teaches yoga at Pomona College. Educated in the Claremont public schools and Pitzer College, Jennifer Stark is married to David Berke (also a Claremont native). They have three children. Jennifer is enthusiastic about working tirelessly to bring people together and to keep Claremont a great place to live and work. Bring your questions about local issues!

Introduction: Andy Winnick
Fellowship: Pat Kelly
Greeters: Bob Knell and Julia Arias