March 19, 2019 – Dr. Eric Grosfils

March 19, 2019 – Dr. Eric Grosfils

“Impact Cratering” Speaker – Dr. Eric B. Grosfils, professor of geology, Pomona College While earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other events persistently remind us that we live on the surface of a geologically hazardous planet, it is easy to forget that one of the most potentially severe threats we

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March 12, 2019 – Gail Samuel

March 12, 2019 – Gail Samuel

“Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra’s Centennial” Speaker – Gail Samuel, Executive Director, Los Angeles Philharmonic Association The New York Times calls the LA Phil “America’s Most Important Orchestra. Period”. It presents music from all genres – orchestral, chamber and Baroque music, organ and celebrity recitals, new music, jazz,

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March 5, 2019 – Karl Hilgert

March 5, 2019 – Karl Hilgert

“Organizing for the Common Good” Speaker – Karl Hilgert Karl Hilgert attended The College of Wooster in Ohio and continued his education at the Eden Seminary and the St. Louis School of Social Work. He has taught at Yale Divinity School and Southern Connecticut State University and has

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February 26, 2019 – Claremont Unified School District

February 26, 2019 – Claremont Unified School District

“Supporting Student Mental Health in the Claremont Unified School District” Speakers – Nancy Tresser Osgood, member of the Board of Education (and of the University Club!); Jim Elsasser, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools; and Lisa Banks-Toma, Coordinator, Mental Health – Claremont Unified School District– A critical issue in

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February 19, 2019 – Dr. Ran Libeskind-Hadas

February 19, 2019 – Dr. Ran Libeskind-Hadas

“If Darwin Had a Computer” Speaker – Dr. Ran Libeskind-Hadas, R. Michael Shanahan Professor of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College Charles Darwin wrote in his famous “Origins of Species” that he could imagine that pairs of species, such as bees and flowers, might evolve in tandem:  Flowers might

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February 12, 2019 – Dr. Peter Blodgett

February 12, 2019 – Dr. Peter Blodgett

“Motoring West:  Pioneering Auto Travelers in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1900-1920” Speaker – Dr. Peter Blodgett, Curator, Huntington Library This illustrated lecture will discuss the evolution of automobile-borne tourist travel in the American West during the early years of the twentieth century.  In doing so, it will demonstrate the significant impact of

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February 5, 2019 – Dr. Ashley W. Stroupe

February 5, 2019 – Dr. Ashley W. Stroupe

“Rovers and the Exploration of Mars: Past, Present, and Future” Speaker – Dr. Ashley W. Stroupe, Mars Science Laboratory Assistant Mission Chief, Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Jet Propulsion Laboratory began exploring Mars using rovers in 1997, with the “Sojourner” rover on the Pathfinder Mission. The “Spirit” and “Opportunity”

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January 29, 2019 – Rob Strauss & Alexis Adkins

January 29, 2019 – Rob Strauss & Alexis Adkins

“The Kellogg Horse Ranch and the Cal Poly Arabians” Speaker – Alexis Adkins, Archivist for Special Collections, and Rob Strauss, Project Archivist, Cal Poly Pomona – During World War II, the ranch was taken over by the U.S. Army, which still had a small contingent of horses. After

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January 22, 2019 – Van Snyder

January 22, 2019 – Van Snyder

“Nuclear Power and the Future” Speaker – Van Snyder, Jet Propulsion Lab Climate change, climate conferences, and climate treaties are in the news. More and more we hear the warnings that time is running out and it is imperative that the problem must be solved now. Is nuclear

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January 15, 2018 – John Neiuber

January 15, 2018 – John Neiuber

“Claremont – Then and Now” Speaker – John Neiuber, Past President, Claremont Heritage Learn about Claremont’s very interesting history from a Past President of Claremont Heritage, John Neiuber. His presentation offers slides and commentary about events and people that have shaped the community today.  He will discuss

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