Coming Soon: The Gold Line in Claremont –

Speaker: Lisa Levy Buch, Chief Communications Officer, Gold Line Construction Authority

Come learn about the latest plans for the third segment of the Metro Gold Line as it extends from Glendora to Claremont and beyond, and what to expect as it moves to construction. How will Claremont be affected? Where will we be able to travel more easily? The project broke ground in early December, making it the first Measure M-funded rail line to move to construction. Mrs. Levy Buch, a resident of Claremont, has been with the Construction Authority for more than eight years and brings with her more than 25 years of experience in transportation, land use and environmental planning and policy. She has a MA in Transportation Planning from UCLA and a BA in Environmental Planning from UC Irvine.

Introduction: Bob Knell
Fellowship: Rich Phillips
Greeters: Milt Wilson, Peter Boniface