Are Space and Time Only Illusions –

Speaker: Vatche Sahakian, Professor of Physics, Harvey Mudd College

In recent years, a group of overworked and underpaid theoretical physicists has posited the possibility that our perception of space and time is just that, only a perception. The suggestion is that gravitation and spacetime are not fundamental, but are instead derived concepts arising from a combination of statistics or quantum “entanglement” — as if an intricate web of connections between objects essentially weaves the fabric of spacetime in-between. Professor Sahakian will give an overview of some of these new ideas that are forcing us to rethink physics at a very foundational level. He earned his PhD at the University of Chicago and carried out postdoctoral research at Cornell University. He specializes in theoretical physics, especially string theory and cosmology. He is known at the college for his ability to explain new and complex ideas in a manner that is accessible to everyone!

Introduction: Tom Helliwell
Fellowship: Steve Farrow
Greeters: Sam Mansour and Bob Knell
Birthdays: Dick Newton