New Developments with the Sam Maloof Foundation

Speaker: Jim Rawitsch, Executive Director

In this “Maloof Legacy” presentation, Jim Rawitsch will tell how woodworker Sam Maloof, the son of Lebanese immigrants and born in Chino, became a globally recognized California Modernist furnituremaker. Maloof’s works are in the collections of America’s leading art museums and collectors, and the hand-made home of Sam and Alfreda Maloof in Rancho Cucamonga has been preserved and designated as part of the Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios program established by the National Trust. It offers public tours, a museum, learning center and workshop set in a water-wise Discovery Garden. Executive Director Jim Rawitsch earned a BA from UCLA and an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Business. He came to the Maloof Foundation with experience in historic preservation, art museum administration, and higher education. He has expanded the Maloof audience, exhibitions, collections, collaborations, publications, educational programs, membership, fundraising and community outreach. In 2016, he led the Maloof centennial celebration with a new book, a retrospective exhibition, and a Smithsonian Symposium.

Introduction: Sam Mansour
Fellowship: Jennifer Stark
Greeters: Pat Kelly, Art Parker