The Importance of Social Support for Seniors

Floy Biggs and Bea Kirkman

Floy Biggs and Bea Kirkman

Speakers:  Floy Biggs, CEO, and Bea Kirkman, Director of Community Senior Services

Do you or your loved ones need to address support services necessary for seniors? This is a “must hear” program provided by Community Senior Services. Learn about resources for seniors and their families, including transportation, caregiver support, and volunteer opportunities, with special emphasis on REAL Connections Village. Many seniors like a wide variety of options, to “age in place” rather than move to a full-service facility. Floy Biggs has over 30 years of experience in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, managing senior and long-term care programs.  Serving as CEO of Community Senior Services since 2006, Floy is a licensed skilled nursing facility administrator. She earned a BS in gerontology and a Masters in health administration from USC. Bea Kirkman has a Masters in education school administration and over 25 years experience in the field. Bea came to REAL Connections, where she is director, in 2015 after caregiving for her father who had Alzheimer’s and her mother who had macular degeneration. Bring your questions!

Introduction: Tom Helliwell
Fellowship: Bob Knell
Greeters: Milt Wilson, Peter Boniface