Investments During a Turbulent Market and Long-Term  –

Don Gould

Don Gould

Speaker:  Don Gould, President and CIO of Gould Asset Management

Don Gould will speak on the current state of financial markets. He will review factors moving the markets today, as well as sharing his insights into some of the more important long-term issues for financial markets. His remarks will be followed by a Q&A period. Don is the founder, president and chief investment officer of Gould Asset Management of Claremont. He earned a BA in economics from Pomona College and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He is a visiting lecturer in portfolio management at Claremont McKenna College. In his spare time, Don serves as a trustee and chair of the investment committee at Pitzer College.

Introduction: Harry Sparrow
Fellowship: David Sonner
Greeters: Larry Wicksted, Tom Helliwell